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In DNA reports for modern populations, I have percentages for North Africa and Iberia. DNA matches for Morocco are listed in a report of archaic DNA matches from around the world.

Given the information of these other DNA companies, I wanted to take this test. The results were less than one percent. There is the possibility of the upgrade. Thanks for the test.
- Miranda Walker
July 19th 2024
For one of my modern-day DNA tests, a small percentage (less than 2%) of Andean and Mesoamerica is listed. In a list of archaic DNA matches, I have matches for the following locations of the highlands in Peru: Cuncaicha, Lauricocha, Laramata, and La Galgada.

Given the information of these other DNA companies, I wanted to take this test. The results were less than one percent. There is the possibility of the upgrade. Thanks for the test.
- Miranda Walker
July 19th 2024
After reviewing my DNA results, I was absolutely amazed at the results! I found that I'm connected to a variety of peoples that existed in times past. Learning about the rich, diverse cultural heritage of my ancient ancestors has been life changing. It is an answered prayer! Discovering some of the various contributions that my progenitors made in the kingdoms/societies where they inhabited is far beyond what I ever could have imagined learning. The historical dynamics are almost beyond words! Reviewing the genetic similarities to the individual members of the various ancient cultures, as presented from their perspective, painting a picture which transports me back in time to experience how life long ago probably looked and felt. The "history of the ancient people", "stories of the ancient people", the magazine, the "population wide results", and all of the comprehensive information that's provided here is extensive! My late father and mother would be amazed, fascinated, and thrilled to learn this wealth of knowledge about our ancestry DNA. The diversity of my heritage is such a pleasure to discover through various the gene pool tests. An abundance of thanks to Dr. John Syrigos, Dr. Eran Elhaik, and the whole team at Ancient DNA Origins for your extensive research, expeditions, and coordination of technologies to make this wonderful endeavor happen; for many people to learn about the depths of who they are. I look forward to delving even deeper into the history of my family! - To learn that I have DNA connected to the tribe of Judah, the lineage of The Messiah brought me to tears. I'm humbled and honored! And some of my DNA also links me to the tribe of Levi....amazing!
- Lisa Momon Stephens
July 14th 2024
After reviewing my DNA results, I was absolutely amazed at the results! I found that I'm connected to a variety of peoples that existed in times past. Learning about the rich, diverse cultural heritage of my ancient ancestors has been life changing. It is an answered prayer! Discovering some of the various contributions that my progenitors made in the kingdoms/societies where they inhabited is far beyond what I ever could have imagined learning. The historical dynamics are almost beyond words! Reviewing the genetic similarities to the individual members of the various ancient cultures, as presented from their perspective, painting a picture which transports me back in time to experience how life long ago probably looked and felt. The "history of the ancient people", "stories of the ancient people", the magazine, the "population wide results", and all of the comprehensive information that's provided here is extensive! My late father and mother would be amazed, fascinated, and thrilled to learn this wealth of knowledge about our ancestry DNA. The diversity of my heritage is such a pleasure to discover through various the gene pool tests. An abundance of thanks to Dr. John Syrigos, Dr. Eran Elhaik, and the whole team at Ancient DNA Origins for your extensive research, expeditions, and coordination of technologies to make this wonderful endeavor happen; for many people to learn about the depths of who they are. I look forward to delving even deeper into the history of my family!
- Lisa Momon Stephens
July 14th 2024
After reviewing my DNA results, I was absolutely amazed at the results! I found that I'm connected to a variety of peoples that existed in times past. Learning about the rich, diverse cultural heritage of my ancient ancestors has been life changing. It is an answered prayer! Discovering some of the various contributions that my progenitors made in the kingdoms/societies where they inhabited is far beyond what I ever could have imagined learning. The historical dynamics are almost beyond words! Reviewing the genetic similarities to the individual members of the various ancient cultures, as presented from their perspective, painting a picture which transports me back in time to experience how life long ago probably looked and felt. The "history of the ancient people", "stories of the ancient people", the magazine, the "population wide results", and all of the comprehensive information that's provided here is extensive! My late father and mother would be amazed, fascinated, and thrilled to learn this wealth of knowledge about our ancestry DNA. The diversity of my heritage is such a pleasure to discover through various the gene pool tests. An abundance of thanks to Dr. John Syrigos, Dr. Eran Elhaik, and the whole team at Ancient DNA Origins for your extensive research, expeditions, and coordination of technologies to make this wonderful endeavor happen; for many people to learn about the depths of who they are. I look forward to delving even deeper into the history of my family!
- Lisa Momon Stephens
July 14th 2024
After reviewing my DNA results, I was absolutely amazed at the results! I found that I'm connected to a variety of peoples that existed in times past. Learning about the rich, diverse cultural heritage of my ancient ancestors has been life changing. It is an answered prayer! Discovering some of the various contributions that my progenitors made in the kingdoms/societies where they inhabited is far beyond what I ever could have imagined learning. The historical dynamics are almost beyond words! Reviewing the genetic similarities to the individual members of the various ancient cultures, as presented from their perspective, painting a picture which transports me back in time to experience how life long ago probably looked and felt. The "history of the ancient people", "stories of the ancient people", the magazine, the "population wide results", and all of the comprehensive information that's provided here is extensive! My late father and mother would be amazed, fascinated, and thrilled to learn this wealth of knowledge about our ancestry DNA. The diversity of my heritage is such a pleasure to discover through various the gene pool tests. An abundance of thanks to Dr. John Syrigos, Dr. Eran Elhaik, and the whole team at Ancient DNA Origins for your extensive research, expeditions, and coordination of technologies to make this wonderful endeavor happen; for many people to learn about the depths of who they are. I look forward to delving even deeper into the history of my family!
- Lisa Momon Stephens
July 14th 2024
After reviewing my DNA results, I was absolutely amazed at the results! I found that I'm connected to a variety of peoples that existed in times past. Learning about the rich, diverse cultural heritage of my ancient ancestors has been life changing. It is an answered prayer! Discovering some of the various contributions that my progenitors made in the kingdoms/societies where they inhabited is far beyond what I ever could have imagined learning. The historical dynamics are almost beyond words! Reviewing the genetic similarities to the individual members of the various ancient cultures, as presented from their perspective, painting a picture which transports me back in time to experience how life long ago probably looked and felt. The "history of the ancient people", "stories of the ancient people", the magazine, the "population wide results", and all of the comprehensive information that's provided here is extensive! My late father and mother would be amazed, fascinated, and thrilled to learn this wealth of knowledge about our ancestry DNA. The diversity of my heritage is such a pleasure to discover through various the gene pool tests. An abundance of thanks to Dr. John Syrigos, Dr. Eran Elhaik, and the whole team at Ancient DNA Origins for your extensive research, expeditions, and coordination of technologies to make this wonderful endeavor happen; for many people to learn about the depths of who they are. I look forward to delving even deeper into the history of my family!
- Lisa Momon Stephens
July 14th 2024
After reviewing my DNA results, I was absolutely amazed at the results! I found that I'm connected to a variety of peoples that existed in times past. Learning about the rich, diverse cultural heritage of my ancient ancestors has been life changing. It is an answered prayer! Discovering some of the various contributions that my progenitors made in the kingdoms/societies where they inhabited is far beyond what I ever could have imagined learning. The historical dynamics are almost beyond words! Reviewing the genetic similarities to the individual members of the various ancient cultures, as presented from their perspective, painting a picture which transports me back in time to experience how life long ago probably looked and felt. The "history of the ancient people", "stories of the ancient people", the magazine, the "population wide results", and all of the comprehensive information that's provided here is extensive! My late father and mother would be amazed, fascinated, and thrilled to learn this wealth of knowledge about our ancestry DNA. The diversity of my heritage is such a pleasure to discover through various the gene pool tests. An abundance of thanks to Dr. John Syrigos, Dr. Eran Elhaik, and the whole team at Ancient DNA Origins for your extensive research, expeditions, and coordination of technologies to make this wonderful endeavor happen; for many people to learn about the depths of who they are. I look forward to delving even deeper into the history of my family!
- Lisa Momon Stephens
July 14th 2024
For one of the lists of my archaic DNA matches, I have one for Italy: Ostuni 1, Therefore, I wanted to see if I had any archaic DNA matches for this test in Ancient Origins.

Like with the original test, the results were less than 1 percent. And, of the possible archaic matches for this advanced test, two were from Ostuni. Thanks for the test.
- Miranda Walker
July 13th 2024
In at least one of the major DNA companies for modern populations, my report lists Italy. For one of the lists of my archaic DNA matches, I have one for Italy: Ostuni 1, which were remains found with a fetus.

When I saw this test, I was curious and took it. The results were less than 1 percent. And, of the five possible archaic matches for this basic test, two were from Ostuni. Thanks for the test.
- Miranda Walker
July 13th 2024

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  • Q: What do Ancient DNA Origins offer?

    A: Ancient DNA Origins offers the first and only genetic tests that employ ancient DNA from real ancient people, ranging from the Paleolithic to the mid-19th century. Our tests report your genetic relationships with ancient individuals and cultures from all over the world, like Paleolithic Americans, Icelandic Vikings, or the legendary Tribes of the Biblical Israelites (before their exile).

  • Q: How is Ancient DNA Origins different from other DNA testing providers?

    A: Providers will typically compare your DNA to the DNA of modern people, such as yourself. They cannot teach you about the ancient past. We provide a comprehensive collection of cultures and report your genetic identity at the level of ancient individuals. We also provide genetic, historical, and archeological information about ancient people and cultures at low-cost prices.

  • Q: I am a genealogist. How can I use Ancient DNA Origins for genetic genealogy?

    A: With our tests, you will go far beyond the inventions of photography and paper and discover new connections with ancient people that, thus far, existed only in stories and legends.

  • Q: How accurate are your tests?

    A: Our tests are developed in collaboration with top geneticists like Dr. Eran Elhaik, who has been developing genetic tests for two decades during his tenure at Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Elhaik designed the GenoChip 2.0 kit and test for National Geographic, the GPS Origins kit and test for HomeDNA, and a plethora of tests for Gene Plaza. His Ancient DNA Origins test series is the first to combine paleogenetics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to achieve an accuracy of 95%.